ACPL Library Camp 2015 Unconference
Friday, August 7, 2015
Location: 900 Library Plaza, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Improvisational Innovation:
Inspiring a Culture of Creativity at Your Library
Follow our updates on Twitter: @ACPLLibraryCamp
Registration is now open! Who is attending?
Keynote: Logan MacDonald
Anythink is a new style of library--a place of unlimited imagination where play inspires creativity and lifelong learning. In this session, you will learn about organizational culture and how Anythink transformed its libraries and culture to create opportunities for innovation and risk-taking. You'll also explore ways that culture can influence products and services.
Logan MacDonald is director of Products and Technology for Anythink Libraries in Adams County, Colo. After joining the district in 2008, he helped design and implement WordThink, Anythink's word-based classification system that replaced Dewey district-wide. In his current role, he leads the charge on helping the district support creativity and innovation through technology. Logan also coordinates TechFest, Anythink's annual all-staff training day geared towards emerging technologies and 21st century skills. Prior to joining Anythink, Logan worked for the Montrose Regional Library District in Montrose, Colo., and University of Washington Libraries in Seattle. Colleagues frequently refer to him as "The Man Who Killed Dewey."
Schedule for the Day (tentative)
8-8:45 caffeination registration station
8:45 Welcome from ACPL Director, Greta Southard
9:00-10:30 Logan
10:30-10:45 break
10:45-11:30 Pecha Kuchas
11:30-1:15 Announce breakout sessions and lunch (which IS its own breakout session)
1:15-2:15 Breakout sessions
2:30-3:30 Breakout sessions
3:45-4:45 Breakout sessions
4:45 Wrap Up
Two LEUs will be available for Indiana Public Librarians.
Call for Programs
Submit your idea for a Pecha Kucha talk or project for the Poster Gallery.
Share your library innovations, creations, and inspirations with us in 6 minutes and 40 sections! Sign up to present a PechaKucha at ACPL Library Camp. Each PechaKucha needs 20 images that will appear on screen for 20 seconds. This keeps the presentations lively and concise! The images advance automatically. Register while we still have spaces available. We can't wait to hear from you!
Breakout Session Planning
UPDATE: Take a look at some ideas for breakout sessions and mark your favorites! We have so many ideas, we need to pare them down somehow. Afternoon session ideas are here. What ideas have been submitted already? See them here.
Need inspiration? Visual people can try the Unconference LibraryCamp Padlet 2015.
ACPL Library Camp Planning Team:
Nina Collins
Reference Librarian, Indiana Tech
Jonathan Gaskill
Director, Fulton County Public Library
Georgean Johnson-Coffey
Manager, Audio Reading Service, Allen County Public Library
Jamie Long
Youth Services Supervisor, Eckhart Public Library
Melissa Renner
Training Specialist, Allen County Public Library
Do you have questions about Library Camp 2015? Email Melissa Renner or George Johnson-Coffey.
Nina Collins
Reference Librarian
Indiana Tech
Jonathan Gaskill
Fulton County Public Library
Georgean Johnson-Coffey
Manager, Audio Reading Service
Allen County Public Library
Jamie Long
Youth Services Supervisor
Eckhart Public Library
Melissa Renner
Training Specialist
Allen County Public Library
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