To do list
Page history
last edited
by Melissa Renner 15 years, 4 months ago
Publicity ideas
- people to guide campers to breakout session locations / session moderators
- get name badges
- get downtown eateries maps
- print request for signs (or just make them--should be simple?)
- keep the wiki up to date
- get head count for breakfast and for ordering folders for Training Coordinator
- need person to be a gopher
- need people to staff checkin tables where people get their packets
- need person to stand at Dunkin Donuts entrance at 7:30 to welcome people in
- need person to stand at entrance to stairs to tell them how to get to theater
- Training Coordinator gets list of attendees and makes LEU certificates for them
- make nametags for attendees
- print out the day's agenda
- make packets for attendees; 2009 packets included:
- agenda for the day
- list of attendees and contact information (pulled from wiki)
- map of downtown eateries
- ACPL map
- conference evaluation
- Dunkin Donuts coupons
- Tin Caps schedule
- Ask a Librarian business card
- nametag
- Designate a person to carry a phone with an emergency contact number (wifi)
- Send an e-mail a few days before conference with final arrangements and information for campers (including a parking map)
- Equipment
- For theater
- one table
- projector
- laptop to project backchannel
- projection screen for backchannel (from AMM) (rethink? not large enough to see from audience)
- laptop for podium
- wireless mike for presenter
- webcam with tripod
- laptop for webcam and Ustream
- network cables
- hub
- surge protectors for front row of theater
- For theater lobby area
- long tables for people to sit at to check e-mail and power up laptops
- four surge protectors
- round table with chairs for breakfast and break time
- long tables for breakfast foods
- coffee and cream, sugar, etc
- bagels and cream cheese
- cups, napkins, cutlery, etc
- For meeting rooms
- U-shape table arrangements in two meeting rooms
- Gaming setup in one meeting room
- Computer classroom
- turn on presenter computer
- turn on other computers
- turn on projector
- Globe Room
- classroom setup with 30 chairs (could be changed to a less formal arrangement)
- Signs needed:
- signs for theater
- signs for Globe Room and Meeting Rooms A, B, C
- sign for front door
- sign for Great Hall
- send e-mails inviting people
library school students
- public libraries (N.E. Indiana, N.W. Ohio, southern Michigan)
- academic libraries
- bloggers & other bigshots ;-)
- attendees of other library camps (like vultures circling overhead)
- any contacts that we have made over the last year (business cards)
- last year's attendees
- E-mail speaker junk to fill out so people can get LEUs
- research/plan UStream video
- contact speaker about honorarium, travel and hotel
- reserve rooms at main library (theater, meeting rooms A, B & C, Globe Room, computer classroom)
- Ask Training Coordinator if she can help out with breakfast
- send reminder e-mails June 15
- send reminder e-mails July 10
- send out reminder e-mails three days before with parking instructions
- Three days before, give Training Coordinator :
- head count for breakfast and for ordering folders
- list of attendees
- Training Coordinator will make name tags
- give Training Coordinator list of everything to go into packets
Day before Library Camp
- folder-stuffing party
- Set up breakfast tables (Housekeeping)
- get as many surge protectors and extension cords as possible
- Set up gaming area
- Set up stage for backchannel, speaker and Ustream
- Set up theater lobby (Housekeeping)
Morning of Library Camp
- Take breakfast stuff down to lobby around theater
- Take boxes of t-shirts (if we have some) down to theater
- Work with AFW to get sound set up
Day after Library Camp
- send out a tweet thanking people for coming
- write down follow-up notes in wiki
- link presentations in wiki and ask presenters to link theirs
- send out LEU certificates that campers didn't pick up
- write thank-you to speaker
Have fun! Enjoy the day. You have planned an awesome Library Camp!
To do list
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