
2010 ACPL Library Camp

Page history last edited by Deb Noggle 13 years, 9 months ago

ACPL Library Camp

Page history last edited by Melissa Kiser 7 months, 3 weeks ago


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ACPL Library Camp 2010

September 23, 2010





ACPL Library Camp will take place at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Thursday, September 23, 2010.  This unconference will feature guest speaker Peter BrombergAssistant Director at the Princeton Public Library.  See one of Peter's brilliant presentations here.




At Library Camp we'll focus on library technology, innovation and problem-solving.  Wikipedia defines an unconference as "a facilitated, face-to-face, and participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose".  Unlike other conferences, Library Camp costs nothing except the price of gas, food, and lodging if you plan to stay overnight.  Everyone eager to discuss libraries, technology and innovation is welcome, students and professionals alike.


This year we're also planning to have an eReader Fair.  We'll have a hands-on session to compare the iPad, Nook, Kindle, and Sony Touch.


ACPL's Library Camp will follow the Pecha Kucha Night format: people who want to share will give 6-minute presentations, followed by 1-minute Q & A.  We will cram 8 presentations into one hour.  If you present a pecha kucha, youcanhazteeshirt! Interested in sharing a pecha kucha?  E-mail mkiser[at]acpl.lib.in.us.


Staff attending all day will receive three LEU (Library Education Units); two will be Technology LEUs.


Dress for the day is casual.  


To add your name to the list of attendees, please e-mail mkiser[at]acpl.lib.in.us.  You will receive an e-mail with an invite key so you can add your name and contact information to the wiki.






8-9 am

Peter Bromberg keynote: "Creating Engaging Library Experiences"  

9-10:30 am

Pecha kuchas (in no particular order):


Melissa Kiser, Allen County Public Library                

"BookMyne Sirsi/Dynix iPhone app"                
Using BookMyne, Sirsi/Dynix's app for accessing Webcat, and using it to access library catalog, My Account, place holds.

Melissa Kiser, Allen County Public Library              

"We are Family: How the iPad can Bridge the (Information) Generation Gap"        
The iPad has been called the "uncomputer" which provides an easy way for non-techies to enjoy the web. Seniors can especially benefit from learning to use an iPad to keep in touch with family and friends. 

Sean Robinson, Allen County Public Library
"E-books, copyright, licensing and ownership"
 "Predictably Irrational"

Brent Ferguson, Elkhart Public Library                    

"The Next Outliers"                
Tight budgets are a sign‑of‑the times, especially with technology, but utilizing the knowledge of an Outlier, there are ways to survive and thrive on a tight or non‑existent technology budget.  


Harper Apted, Warsaw Community Public Library

"In a Nutshell:  The history of open source software and why it will save the world (or at least libraries)" 

Jen Booth, Muncie Public Library - Presentation Powerpoint           "eBooks and eReaders"                

Muncie Public Library has been circulating eReaders since November 2009. Jen will be discussing how they started our eBook loan program, how they funded the readers and the titles, the service providers and devices they use, circulation information, and the procedures they follow to keep them up to date.

10:30-11 am

Planning the day (add ideas here!) & break (business card exchange) (planning the day means picking topics & creating groups to talk about them and work together)


Peter Bromberg: "Personal Effectiveness" 

Noon-1:30 pm


1:30-2:30 pm

groups meet & develop a presentation on their topic

2:30-3:30 pm

make presentations on group-discussed topics

3:30-4:30 pm

eReader Fair, wrap up the day, Q & A

4:30-5:00 pm

LEU frenzy

5:00 pm

bye bye


















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