
ACPL Library Camp 2011

Page history last edited by Deb Noggle 12 years, 6 months ago


ACPL Library Camp 2011

September 16, 2011


Registration is over.  Library Camp was a success!  Thanks to all who attended! 



ACPL Library Camp will take place at the Allen County Public Library Main Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Friday, September 16, 2011.  This UN-conference will feature guest speakers, presentation opportunities for you, and a plan-as-we-go format of breakout sessions in the afternoon.   If you've never been to an UN-conference before, it's a great way to learn what you want to learn while networking with other librarians! 


This year's featured guest speakers are Andromeda Yelton and Eli Neiburger.  Click on the speaker's name to read a short bio.


At Library Camp we'll focus on library technology, innovation and problem-solving.  Wikipedia defines an unconference as "a facilitated, face-to-face, and participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose".  Unlike other conferences, Library Camp costs nothing except the price of gas, food, and lodging if you plan to stay overnight.  Everyone eager to discuss libraries, technology and innovation is welcome, students and professionals alike.


A portion of ACPL's Library Camp will follow the Pecha Kucha Night format: 20 Powerpoint slides in 6 minutes!  People who want to share will give 6-minute presentations, followed by 1-minute Q & A.  We will cram 6-8 presentations into 45 minutes.  If you present a pecha kucha, you'll receive an ACPL mystery gift!  Interested in sharing a pecha kucha? E-mail: dnoggle@acpl.info  Want to know an easy way to remember how to pronounce "pecha kucha"? Click here for a video clip.


Staff attending all day will receive three LEU (Library Education Units); two will be Technology LEUs.


Dress for the day is casual.  


To add your name to the list of attendees, please e-mail dnoggle[at]acpl.lib.in.usThe first 75 registered attendees will receive one of the groovy much-sought-after 2011 Library Camp T-shirts! 





9 am

Breakfast snacking and World Cafe tables

9:30 am Reindeer Games 

10:00-11:00 am

Keynote Speaker:  Andromeda Yelton

"There is No Spoon" 

11:00-11:45 am

Pecha kuchas (in no particular order):


Sean Robinson

Socializing with Google 

Take a look with me at the new social platform Google+. Learn about how Google is challenging Facebook and is how Google+  integrates with today's mobile technology. We will look at Google+ circles, using the “+” feature, vertical integration, sparks and hangouts. At the end you should have enough information to decide if Google+ is for you.              
Rebecca Johnson
Technology tools that engage the library population                
"From QR codes to polling software, libraries can enhance library programs and engage the library population by using Free technology tools.
Carly Wiggins
Project Management for Librarians

Yes, you ARE a Project Manager!  This session will give an overview of the theory and practice of Project Management with special attention to free technology tools to help you manage projects.               
Melissa Kiser
We Have Stop Meeting Like This!                
WebEx is not voodoo, it's not hard to use, and it's definitely not scary!  So why aren't we utilizing it to hold meetings, archive work progress and literally save gas money and travel time?  After learning the basics of web conferencing, you'll say, "We have to stop meeting like this!"                                    
Brent Ferguson
Are We Dead Yet?                
"Some of the hardest reference questions I've answered at the reference desk lately is Where is the bathroom and the stairs (10 feet behind you). The Internet, budget cutbacks, and recession are game changers and are killing us, or are they?  Using technology with knowledge of recent demographic shifts, we can resuscitate ourselves. Clear!                                  


11:45- 12:00 pm

Planning the day (add ideas here!).  Planning the day means picking topics for the afternoon sessions & creating groups to talk about them together.

Noon-1:30 pm


1:30-2:00 pm

Afternoon Speaker: Eli Neiburger

Libraries in this Century: What to do Now, What to do Later

The world of content is changing quickly, and most libraries and library staff are in a challenging position if they want to continue to provide value to their communities.  In this session, learn about the challenges facing libraries, some scenarios of what might lie in store, and what actions taken now and later can help to prepare libraries for an uncertain future.

2:00-2:45 pm

Breakout session #1 

2:45-3:00 Break 

3:00-3:45 pm

Breakout session #2

3:45-4:00 Break 

4:00-4:30 pm

Recap of breakout sessions, report what you've learned (and what the rest of us missed at your session!).
4:30 Tours of the ACPL Main Library (optional). 

5:00 pm

bye bye





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