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Matt Goldner

Page history last edited by Deb Noggle 11 years ago

Matt Goldner


Matt Goldner joined OCLC in October 2004 and is currently the Product & Technology Advocate for the library community.   Matt graduated with an MSLS from the University of Kentucky in 1978 and an MA in religion from Asbury Theological Seminary in 1980. Prior to joining OCLC, Matt worked in both academic and public libraries with responsibilities ranging from head of technical services to library director. Later he worked for Geac Computers for seven years and Fretwell-Downing Informatics (FDI) for four years. In both companies he was involved with increasing levels of responsibility for product direction and creation. Matt was involved in the early days of automation having implemented the first automated library system in two different libraries.


Due to Matt’s technical and management experience he often speaks on issues where technology meets process. Topics range from issues related to the WorldCat catalog, WorldCat.org and WorldCat Local services, the future of cataloging and resource sharing as well as the impact of Web-scale management services on libraries and the future of libraries.


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